CM DiskCleaner is an application which helps your optimize your system by finding and deleting garbage files, thus improving your computer’s performance.
It also finds and removes broken shortcuts, zero byte files and other similar unwanted files. It cleans the most important areas of your system like temporary Internet Files, History, Cookies, Index Dat files, Temp directory etc. You can also add your own user defined folders, clear MRU lists and schedule application which will be run on regular intervals. When you uninstall applications, the uninstalled programs tend to leave entries on your system. CM DiskCleaner finds and removes such old application entries. It also performs a scan on the windows registry for errors. You can thus optimize the physical RAM on your system. The user guide provided with this application gives you instructions for how to keep your computer in good condition and help run your system with minimum problems.
The application comes with an automatic update feature which allows you to install the latest versions released. In addition, free support and lifetime upgrades are available for all registered users.
CM DiskCleaner is a very powerful, yet easy to use disk cleaning and optimizing tool. You can quickly learn how to perform a disk cleanup and help make your computer using experience a much peaceful and stress less experience. The application is available for Explorer 5.0 and Windows NT with service pack 4.